#19533 - Optional Second Stepper Board for Dual-Focus Control


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The standard FocusLynx Controller hub can easliy be converted into a Dual-Focus Controller with the addition of the optional Second Stepper Driver board.

Featuring an easy-to-install board with a double row connector, the Second Stepper Driver pushes directly into the main FocusLynx control board. Review the video below to see how easy converting your FocusLynx into a Dual Focus controller can be.

  • Optec FocusLynx controller,
  • Starlight Instruments FocusBoss II controller.

For owners of the MicroTouch square box motors, the Second Stepper Board can be used to drive the unipolar motors with an easy-to-make cable. Start with a standard Cat-5e Ethernet cable, cut one end off, and attached a 6-pin RJ12 connector as shown in the wiring diagram for the Direct Connect Cable .